Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Site Updates

I've been busting my butt working on the site the past few days upgrading it to add a ton of new features. When you hover over a face now it displays a bigger picture and has more information, like you can now add a short personal tidbit under the picture to describe the person's individual situation if you would like. I also put up a message board to build the community and help us grow closer. As far as mom goes, she cannot drive so it is very rough for her because she feels imprisoned at home, so I try to take her out every day just to get her out of the house a little bit. After the CyberKnife she'll be able to drive again so we both look forward to that.

Below is an update transcript from the site...

Recent Updates: Site Code Updated! New features such as: Bigger picture for all packages when you put your mouse over the facededication and short story area added to hovering over faces... Message Board now UP


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